CHAPLIN and LAUREL - The Stage Years.
Illustrated Talks by A.J Marriot
STAN LAUREL - From Lancashire to Los Angeles

in Britain, to ...

in UK and USA

Just how a did a young lad from a lowly town in Lancashire, scale to the heights of one of the greatest comedians in screen history? Audience members will follow the show business path the young Arthur Stanley Jefferson trod, starting with the British pantomimes and plays he appeared in as a youth; then travel with him to America with the Fred Karno Company where, between 1910 and 1914, he completes several tours in American Vaudeville. For the next eight years we see him still learning his craft in Vaudeville, playing comedy sketches with various partners. 1922 to 1926 finds him making solo films, before finally meeting the legendary partner he is to work with for the next twenty eight years.
This presentation is illustrated with scores of rare photos and theatre ephemera, plus newsreel footage and home movies. It finishes with a heart-touching montage of Stan Laurel’s life from beginning to end.
CHARLIE CHAPLIN - From Street Urchin to Screen Idol

A pictorial history of CHARLIE CHAPLIN, from his humblest of beginnings in a London suburb; through his days on the British stage; and on through his years in American Vaudeville, before making the transition into film in 1914. Includes extremely rare archive material of Chaplin’s years traversing America and Canada.
CHAPLIN and LAUREL - The Karno Years

A pictorial history of the years 1908 to 1914, when Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel played in British Music Hall and American Vaudeville with the Fred Karno Company of Comedians.