The Laurel and Hardy Stage Tours Collection

Scene from Atoll K showing Stan and Ollie collecting books

  HUNDREDS of rare and previously unknown images of Stan & Ollie off-screen, most of which you won’t find on-line, or in any other publications.

   The images are inserted within the text, so readers can follow the story without having to break off and find the relevant image for that part of the story.

   Each image is fully captioned so that, along with what is described in the surrounding text, readers will know exactly “Where, When, and With Whom” the photos were taken.

Video shows sample pages revealing the layout.

For descriptions of the books detailing Laurel and Hardy's tours of Britain, Ireland, Europe, USA, Caribbean, and Mexico, click on the covers of the books below.

Laurel and Hardy Books Reviews

You have done what I did not think possible, you have enhanced and increased my love for Laurel and Hardy – and for that you have my thanks. (JOHN ROCHE – Pembroke)

What I really liked about your book is that you managed to paint portraits of the two men that showed they could be human. I think you get more of a sense of them as people than from any other of the Laurel and Hardy books. (JIM PEPPER – California)

Your book made me laugh and made me cry. How strange it is to have such strong feelings about two people I never met, but then your book brought them alive. What more could one wish for?
(TANIA M. EDWARDS – London W14)

Words fail me in adequately expressing my heartfelt appreciation to you for writing this important history in the lives of Laurel and Hardy. (MARK A. MILLER – Columbus, Ohio)

I don’t think I have ever enjoyed a book so much as Laurel and Hardy – The British Tours. (DAVID KING – New Milton)
Your book documents much that was not known by Sons. It’s truly outstanding. (GINO DERCOLA – Columbia, USA)

I read your book in one go, and felt I was actually there. Every Son should have a copy. (ARTHUR WESTWOOD – Atherton)

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